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Q&A with Note Design Studio

An award-winning design studio based in Stockholm, Note takes a collaborative approach to its multidisciplinary work—from architecture and interiors to product and graphic design. Known for its sophisticated Scandinavian style, the team has completed projects for such global brands as Menu, Fogia and Design Within Reach, as well as Vibia, for whom they created the Musa collection. We spoke with Note’s product designers Kristoffer Fagerström and Charlotte Ackemar to learn more about their work and inspirations. 


Vibia Stories Q-A Artists 0029 NOTE


 Favorite part of the design process

I think there is something special with the first prototyp. Seeing your sketches and the simple modells you made of a design come to life, when you can experience it in the right scale in the right material. 

The very first ink on paper. The moment when nothing becomes something. 


 Famous designer you’d like to have dinner with?

I wish I could turn back time and have dinner with the multi talented Ray Eames in her breathtaking house.

There are so many but I wouldn’t mind wining and dining in the company of stage designer Es Devlin and fashion designer Henrik Vibskov. Both free spirits in their field of design.


 Best part of working as a design team

I read somewhere that you get up to 65% of your knowledge at work thru your co-workers.You gain so much by working in a team, its a good way to never get trapped in the box you tend to fall into when you don’t dare to dare. 

Charlotte:) No, but seriously I truly believe in the strength of a team. I always start a project with the feeling that there is absolutely no way of failing simply because I always have the backup of a group.


 Worst part of working as a design team

We are twelve people with twelve strong wills:) 

The debating can of course be tiresome. I rely on good results, not good arguments. 


 Must-see spot in Stockholm 

Millesgården, which was the home and studio of the sculpture Carl Milles and his wife Olga until 1931. Today, an art museum with a beautiful sculpture park just by the water on Lidingö, overlooking the north part of central Stockholm. 

During summer I would recommend the Stockholm Archipelago. Take any boat to the outskirts of the archipelago. Bring a picnic basket.


 Favorite quote

”If you can’t find an opportunity, create your own.”

Life and death are natural parts of life and the only quote I know is this: -”Let your sorrow immerse you but do not immerse yourself in sorrow”. 


 Something you recommend that everyone try once in their life? 

Something new, every day. Doesn’t have to be huge things, just something that will break your routines.

Disconnect the smartphone and social media networks for a longer period.


 Most important design or life lesson you’ve learned so far

Its important to have goals and dreams and its equally important to chose how you want to get there and for whats cost. We talk a lot about what we gain as people and as Note when we enjoy what we do and that we have fun whilst doing it.

The more I learn the less I know somehow. It’s hard to explain but experience tells me that there is no single solution to a problem or a single path to succeeding. If you claim to have the only answer to a problem you are probably wrong:)

And… having my first daughter 9 yrs ago was a real eye opener. I can’t really put into words what I have learned exactly but I have become wary of the fact that life is too short and valuable to be spent on non-essential or negative things. Bringing that perspective into a work related answer I would say that we choose our clients with our hearts rather than our wallets. Vibia is definitely one of these heartwarming collaborations.

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