Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

2/2 InvalidArgumentException in classes.php line 2482: The _controller value "ToolsBundle:Controller:CustomExceptionController" maps to a "Vibia\ToolsBundle\Controller\ControllerController" class, but this class was not found. Create this class or check the spelling of the class and its namespace.

  1. in classes.php line 2482
  2. at ControllerNameParser->parse('ToolsBundle:Controller:CustomExceptionController') in classes.php line 2542
  3. at ControllerResolver->createController('ToolsBundle:Controller:CustomExceptionController') in classes.php line 2163
  4. at ControllerResolver->getController(object(Request)) in TraceableControllerResolver.php line 46
  5. at TraceableControllerResolver->getController(object(Request)) in HttpKernel.php line 132
  6. at HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), '2') in HttpKernel.php line 64
  7. at HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '2', false) in ContainerAwareHttpKernel.php line 69
  8. at ContainerAwareHttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '2', false) in ExceptionListener.php line 50
  9. at ExceptionListener->onKernelException(object(GetResponseForExceptionEvent), 'kernel.exception', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
  10. at call_user_func(array(object(ExceptionListener), 'onKernelException'), object(GetResponseForExceptionEvent), 'kernel.exception', object(TraceableEventDispatcher)) in WrappedListener.php line 61
  11. at WrappedListener->__invoke(object(GetResponseForExceptionEvent), 'kernel.exception', object(ContainerAwareEventDispatcher))
  12. at call_user_func(object(WrappedListener), object(GetResponseForExceptionEvent), 'kernel.exception', object(ContainerAwareEventDispatcher)) in classes.php line 1858
  13. at EventDispatcher->doDispatch(array(object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener)), 'kernel.exception', object(GetResponseForExceptionEvent)) in classes.php line 1773
  14. at EventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.exception', object(GetResponseForExceptionEvent)) in TraceableEventDispatcher.php line 140
  15. at TraceableEventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.exception', object(GetResponseForExceptionEvent)) in HttpKernel.php line 221
  16. at HttpKernel->handleException(object(ContextErrorException), object(Request), '1') in HttpKernel.php line 75
  17. at HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', true) in ContainerAwareHttpKernel.php line 69
  18. at ContainerAwareHttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', true) in Kernel.php line 185
  19. at Kernel->handle(object(Request)) in app_dev.php line 43

1/2 ContextErrorException in ConnectingService.php line 54: Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT

  1. in ConnectingService.php line 54
  2. at ErrorHandler->handleError('8', 'Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT', '/var/www/html/vibia-front/src/Vibia/ApiBundle/Services/ConnectingService.php', '54', array('url' => '/masters/v1/common/default-values/by-ip/', 'data' => null, 'method' => 'GET', 'token' => '', 'format' => 'json', 'curl' => resource)) in ConnectingService.php line 54
  3. at ConnectingService->callService('/masters/v1/common/default-values/by-ip/') in IpService.php line 31
  4. at IpService->getCatalogLanguageByIp() in InterfaceCatalogLanguage.php line 86
  5. at InterfaceCatalogLanguage->onKernelRequest(object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
  6. at call_user_func(array(object(InterfaceCatalogLanguage), 'onKernelRequest'), object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(TraceableEventDispatcher)) in WrappedListener.php line 61
  7. at WrappedListener->__invoke(object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(ContainerAwareEventDispatcher))
  8. at call_user_func(object(WrappedListener), object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(ContainerAwareEventDispatcher)) in classes.php line 1858
  9. at EventDispatcher->doDispatch(array(object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener)), 'kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent)) in classes.php line 1773
  10. at EventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent)) in TraceableEventDispatcher.php line 140
  11. at TraceableEventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent)) in HttpKernel.php line 125
  12. at HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), '1') in HttpKernel.php line 64
  13. at HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', true) in ContainerAwareHttpKernel.php line 69
  14. at ContainerAwareHttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', true) in Kernel.php line 185
  15. at Kernel->handle(object(Request)) in app_dev.php line 43

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/previbiaupgrade/wp-content/themes/theedit/single.php on line 53

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/previbiaupgrade/wp-content/themes/theedit/single.php on line 54

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/previbiaupgrade/wp-content/themes/theedit/single.php on line 57

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/previbiaupgrade/wp-content/themes/theedit/single.php on line 58

Vibia éclaire un espace de co-working innovant à San Francisco

Situé dans un quartier historique du centre-ville de San Francisco, Canopy Jackson Square est un espace de travail partagé, dont le design est signé Yves Behar et Amir Mortazavi.

Son aménagement ouvert de presque 4000 mètres carrés réinvente le lieu de travail traditionnel avec une architecture de pointe qui intègre des espaces de travail et de détente élégants destinés à des fins privées ou collectives. Les lignes géométriques spectaculaires et les matériaux naturels – pensez aux sols et aux plans de travail en marbre, aux plafonds en lambris de bois et au béton apparent – prédominent dans ce design contemporain et épuré.

vibia-the-edit-stylish-san-francisco-co-working-space-3.jpg vibia-the-edit-stylish-san-francisco-co-working-space-2.jpg vibia-the-edit-stylish-san-francisco-co-working-space-1.jpg

Inspirés par le quartier emblématique de North Beach tout proche, les designers ont choisi un décor qui évoque ses emblèmes locaux : des canapés verts font écho à la couleur du cuivre oxydé de la tour Colomb visible par les fenêtres, tandis que des cabines et des coussins roses reprennent la palette des couleurs de la librairie City Lights.

L’éclairage minimaliste, dont le Wireflow et le Wireflow Lineal d’Arik Levy pour Vibia, complète un mobilier moderne et ergonomique. Wireflow Lineal se distingue par une silhouette hexagonale bi-dimensionnelle constituée d’élégants câbles noirs et coiffée de tiges métalliques.

Dans l’entrée, ses lignes épurées dessinent un contour délicat qui vient compenser les épais lambris de bois qui enveloppent la pièce.

Vibia - The Edit - Wireflow - Stylish San Francisco Co-Working Space

© Photography: Joe Fletcher@joefletcherphoto

Vibia - The Edit - Wireflow - Stylish San Francisco Co-Working Space

© Photography: Joe Fletcher@joefletcherphoto

Suspendu au-dessus d’une table de conférence dans une salle de réunion, Lineal crée un point de focalisation élégant et fait office de tapisserie transparente faite de fines cordes.

Vibia - The Edit - Wireflow - Stylish San Francisco Co-Working Space

© Photography: Joe Fletcher@joefletcherphoto

Wireflow illumine plusieurs bureaux privatifs : son architecture bien aérée vient souligner la puissance de la géométrie de l’espace. Sa silhouette à peine perceptible, à la fois audacieuse et discrète, puise son essence dans une réinterprétation moderne de l’intemporel lustre.

Vibia - The Edit - Wireflow - Stylish San Francisco Co-Working Space

© Photography: Joe Fletcher@joefletcherphoto

Vibia - The Edit - Wireflow - Stylish San Francisco Co-Working Space

© Photography: Joe Fletcher@joefletcherphoto

Fixée sur les lattes de bois du plafond, l’armature métallique de Volumetric procure une attrayante juxtaposition de matériaux.

Design: Amir Mortazavi for Studio Mortazavi and Yves Behar
Photography: Joe Fletcher – @joefletcherphoto

Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on int in /var/www/previbiaupgrade/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/vendor/toolset/toolset-theme-settings/compatibility-modules/controllers/toolset-theme-integration-settings-front-end-controller.php on line 79

Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on int in /var/www/previbiaupgrade/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/application/controllers/compatibility/wpa-block-editor/wpa-block-editor.php on line 220

Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on int in /var/www/previbiaupgrade/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/vendor/toolset/toolset-theme-settings/compatibility-modules/controllers/toolset-theme-integration-settings-front-end-controller.php on line 79
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